
Technical Features


Single layer tiles for indoor and outdoor floorings and claddings, produced with vibro-compactation vacuum-packing process.

Made of a high concentration of stony materials (marble – granite – quartz, siliceous stone…), bonded together with white cement (Portland 5.25, Class 1) and water.

Water-cement ratio approx. 0,30%.


Technical Characteristics

Colours resistant to light and UV rays
Tiles calibrated and rectified on all four sides, chamfered edges
It can be onsite polished once laid
Resistance to fire classified as Class O
High resistance to wear, to compression and atmospheric agents
Available in finishes to fulfil slip rating requirements (certified R9, R10, R13 accordingly to the current DIN European standards).

* Medium values after 28 days of seasoning (size 40x40x1,5 cm).
** The physico-technical mechanical characteristic data indicated are related to one colour sample of each serie. Since Ecostone is a product made of natural stony components, these data can vary in respect of the colour choice (and its natural stony components).

Ecostone Details

The Edges

The tiles are perfectly rectified and calibrated on all 4 sides and the edges are chamfered, upon request even by means of live cut.

Ecostone Details

Ecostone Tile Structure

The result is a very homogenous, dense and compact structure. With the vacuum-packing with vibro-compaction process, the tile becomes better looking and more resistant.

During the process of vacuum-packing with vibro-compaction, the mass is deaerated and the porosity is notably reduced.

Ecostone cement paste

Ecostone cement paste The structure is homogeneous, compact, inflorescent.

Common cement paste

Common cement paste It displays a needle-like cement structure.